I’m 8 days post surgery and I feel myself going a bit stir crazy. Okay, A LOT sir crazy. It’s a curious thing, the human body… How is it I can feel so physically depleted and yet my brain is mass producing ideas like it’s Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. I get these sudden bursts of energy, but by the time I waddle myself out of bed, I’m exhausted again and in need of a nap. So. Many. Naps. They say this is what “healing” requires: stillness and resting. I said I wanted to open my hands to receive rest, and I guess this is what was delivered.
All this to say… Of course, I have SO many words I want to share with you all; so many ideas I want to bring to life and colors I want to put together, but all I have space for right now is a measly little Spotify playlist I made.
The vibe is: LOVE: A chaotic playlist of some of my favorite love songs for this Valentine’s Day. There’s a little bit of romantic love, self love, sad love, and everything in between! It’s a little bit of oldies, some middle school throw backs (my middle school throwbacks…), classic bangers, and some indie stuff. Give it a listen, don’t freaking judge me (or do! I know I have great taste, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), and let me know what you think!

Wishing you a mega beautiful Valentine’s Day! May you love so many people, but always, love yourself more! ❤️