from my field journal: The End of Summer
notes, poems, and rainbow film from the last bits of Summer

The Giant Women:
My best friend talks to the trees.
I hold the moon and sun in both my hands
We stretch our bodies to the skies, grab stars and rearrange the cosmos
two steps out from world domination
This is the year the giant women with magic in their hands learn
Summer came to a close
I’m tired..
Maguyada* with bruises from the sun, who I let ripen me up.
Day after day, I can’t help but soften
turning sweeter for you and waiting to have my skin peeled back, flesh exposed.
Juicy and dripping down the stubble on your chin.
If you wait too long, I’ll soon turn rotten
Fall will have fully moved in, I’ll be out of season, you’ll be out of peaches
and the sun will set at 6.
*thinking about how to merge my worlds as both a Spanish and English speaker… I often write the way I talk, and find myself translating everything to English, as my audience is predominantly English speaking. Some words, just don’t hit the same after translated to English… “maguyada” is one of them. It kind of means… when a fruit has mushy, brown spots that have gotten bruised or ripened faster than the rest of the fruit. It’s not like ONE bruise, its like the state of being of the fruit is “maguyada”… I don’t know if that makes sense, but you see my dilemma! Any feedback on how to integrate both languages would be appreciated and valued!

Just a heads up! I’ve been thinking about making a shift towards more content for paid subscribers. I’ve worked really hard to build up an audience of free subscribers before making this shift, and my truth is, these posts take a lot of my energy. I put a lot of time and thought into all of them, and each one has a little bit of my heart and 100% of my magic.
I still plan to share poems, and artwork and some of my crazy inner thoughts, but I’m going to be shifting towards mostly “paid” posts because I think I need to be mindful of how much energy I giving. I often find myself feeling drained and struggling to refill my cup. This year has been about finding the balance of healing, and I think this is going to help me a lot.
I am so grateful for all the support I’ve received on this Substack, and I’m excited to continue creating and sharing my world!